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The Auburn University College of Liberal Arts will host a public virtual dialogue on Monday, March 1, on “Becoming the Beloved Community Amid the Fragility of Democracy and White Supremacy,” at 6 p.m. (7 p.m. EST) in commemoration of the 56th anniversary of Bloody Sunday at the Edmund Pettus Bridge, Selma, AL.

Everyone is invited to register for this event by going to: . Participants will contribute to a conversation that unpacks the question of, “Has American democracy always been fragile within the historical context of pre-and-post the American Civil War and slavery, racial injustice, white supremacy, classism, civil religion, and voter suppression?”

Panelists include: Bernard LaFayette, Civil Rights Activist; Bridgett King, Associate Professor and MPA Program Director; and Wayne Flynt, Professor Emeritus of History.

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